Hi is the of protector of islam religion who that warrior with whole crusade war which that admin by hole Europe pappus, European royal family, and Veniceia All the crusade army are admitted under the Roman empire administrator in which that have more solider collect and trained. All war they definitely have defend and defeated all operation, hole crusade army christian hole war guards. Babsi trained under the family of Suleiman shaha son Ertugrul private solider. In very Day Bamsi bey and other valiant are trained for agood solider by phisically and potential build in more engagiment and markable more on Warfield. Everytime Bimsi bey use twins swords on warzone and more brilliant and intelligented in every war victory and have master mind for soliderity Bamsi Beyrek also known as Bamsi Alp in his KAYI TRIBUTE. He was the main family of Suleiman shaha. His historical figure and one of the loyal companions of Ertugrul Ghazi, the found...
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