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Ottomans chronicler Muṣṭafā Cenābī (d. 1590) relates that before Yavuz Selīm’s accession the Yeniçeris (Janissaries) stood on both sides of the entrance to the imperial palace and crossed their rifles, swords, and javelins, expecting the new sultan to pass under their weapons in accordance with what they called an “ancient custom” (ʿādet-i ḳadīme). 

This act would, at least symbolically, render Selim I “submissive” (rām ideler).

 The Janissary era coincided with the reign of Sultan Selim I, who ruled the Ottoman Empire from 1512 to 1520.

 Selim I is best known for his conquests, including the defeat of the Safavid Empire and the annexation of Egypt and Syria. 

He also reorganized the Janissary corps and increased their power by granting them significant privileges, such as tax exemptions, land grants, and the right to hold workshops.

 Under Selim I's rule, the Janissaries became a powerful force within the Ottoman Empire, playing a crucial role in the empire's military and political affairs.

Cognizant of the fact that such an act would be considered as a “sign of defeat” (maġlūbluḳ ʿalāmeti), Sultan Selīm 1 refused and acceded to the throne after slipping into the palace secretly. 

Source: See Cenābī, Dürr-i meknūn, 234a. See also Selānikī, Tārīḫ, vol. 1, 49. For an analysisof this episode, see Kunt, “Sultan, Dynasty and State,” 222–25. 

Mustafa Celebi was an Ottoman historian who lived in the 15th century. 

He is famous for his important contribution to Ottoman historiography with his work titled "Tarih-i Hind-i Garbi" (History of the Western Indies), which is a detailed account of the Ottoman Empire's campaign in Europe.

Celebi was a close associate of Sultan Mehmed II and participated in many campaigns alongside him.

 He wrote his historical account of the Ottoman expansion in Europe at the request of Mehmed II. His work provides a comprehensive overview of the Ottoman military campaigns, political events, and cultural developments during the 15th century.

Mustafa Celebi's account of the Ottoman Empire's expansion in Europe is significant as it provides an insight into the Ottoman Empire's mindset and strategies for territorial expansion. 

His work is also an important source for understanding the 15th-century Ottoman military system and the methods used by the Ottomans for governing their vast empire.

Mustafa Celebi's "Tarih-i Hind-i Garbi" remains an important work for Ottoman historiography and is considered a primary source for understanding Ottoman history.

During the reign of Sultan Suleiman, the Janissaries held significant power and influence in the Ottoman Empire. They were elite soldiers who were trained from a young age, and their loyalty was to the sultan above all else.

The Janissaries were known for their military prowess, and they played a crucial role in expanding the Ottoman Empire's territories during Suleiman's reign.

 They were also responsible for maintaining law and order in the empire's major cities, acting as a sort of police force.

However, the Janissaries' power was not limited to military matters. They had significant economic and political influence as well. 

They controlled several monopolies, including the manufacture of arms and gunpowder, and they had a large presence in the empire's bureaucracy.

Despite their loyalty to the sultan, the Janissaries were not shy about asserting their power when they felt it was necessary. 

They would often stage protests and demonstrations to demand better treatment and higher wages, and they were not afraid to use force to get what they wanted.

Overall, the Janissaries were a powerful force in the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Sultan Suleiman. While they were ultimately loyal to the sultan, their influence and power were felt throughout the empire's government, military, and economy.


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