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Today is the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation meeting on Palestine at the highest level conference.

The Arab League is holding an ‘emergency' summit today & tomorrow continue meet in Saudi Arabia to discuss the genocide in Gaza for-six weeks after Israel cut off water pump, food,& electric power from Gaza & has been bombing everything in sight, killing now over 11,000 people. 

This will be no serious attempt by despots to support Palestinians. 

Some of the member states crushed the Arab Spring uprisings, several have normalization deals with Israel, & Assad, the butcher of Syria, will be an honored guest. This ‘emergency’ summit will be something of a political burlesque, or more aptly, a dog & pony show.

None of the regimes will dump the normalization arrangements with Israel which are extremely profitable to them. 

None will sever trade or military contracts with Israel. None will even do a little saber rattling to threaten Israel & its on-the-ground US ally. At most the summit will issue a wimpy call for ceasefire. 

The idea that they invited Assad to attend whilst he in league with Russia & the US is bombing the hell out of Syria is grotesque but it isn’t surprising at all. 

The triumphs of Palestinian liberation & the Syrian Arab Spring along with the resurgence of the Bahraini, Yemeni, Egyptian Arab Spring uprisings existentially terrify these despots who operate like feudal monarchs. The end of Palestinian resistance, not its defense, is their longterm commitment. 

So there will be collegiality at the ‘emergency’ summit, there will be rhetoric about Arab unity, there will more bullshit than even comes out of the US White House. But there will be no serious attempts to defend Palestinians from genocide.

(Photo of Arab League meeting in Saudi Arabia, May 2023 via Reuters)

Iranian president will present important proposals to the meeting.

Experts consider the inclusion of recognition of the right of legitimate self-defense for Palestinians and sanctions against Israel in the summit statement by the OIC as a significant advancement in the defense of Palestine. 

A comprehensive statement could also encompass a call for the referral of war crimes committed by Israel and its officials against the people of Gaza to international criminal courts and institutions.

This will be Iran's last diplomatic pressure on the Islamic countries to do something for the people of Gaza and the Palestinians.

The next phase of this war will not bypass the territories of the Persian Gulf countries, since they have American troops on their territory. Full article in comment section.

But in others the Israel drop the bomb on Gaza continue just when the Arab meet started and killing alot of children.

Violent raids on various areas in Gaza

*Occupation's bombardment of the Gaza continues including a barrage of attacks against hospitals.

*Displaced Palestinians, patients, and medical staff inside al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City are suffering due to the lack of food and water with the situation worsened by the power blackout, says Gaza Health Ministry spokesperson.

*Ministry of Health informs that 39 Palestinian infants in incubators & in intensive care in Al-Shifa Hospital are at risk of death, one died, due to the lack of oxygencontinued 

*The continued arrival of martyrs and injured to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Gaza after a series of Occupation raids.


"Close to 12,000 people are killed in Gaza currently, and none of (the Western countries) are taking action. This is not only weakness but also can cowardice and lack of conscience," Turkish President Erdogan says in his address during the 8th Extraordinary Islamic Summit in Riyadh.


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